Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015
Randers Regnskov
Well, it was my fourth day at Randers Regnskov but still I explored so much new areas and animals. I've been to the snake-temple after work and it was kind of scary seeing all these snakes without any windows between them and me, especially due the fact that I don't like snakes too much (I fear them to be honest).. But it wasn't half that scary than it was yesterday to go into the monkey-cave to dig over the hard-packed soil while the monkey watch you very close..
That may sounds like I don't like it there but I really enjoy the work! In the morning, as long as there are no visitors, we clean up, the ways of cause but also we remove old leaves, clean the windows that you have a clear view into the aquaria and so on.. After a short break at 10 o'clock -when the visitors are there allready- we continue with different jobs, which are to do like planting new plants/weeding/cleaning backstage/... Today we've been weeding at the outdoor-area called "DenmarkPark" (with some very pleasant wind and rain), where there are also some animals like goats, pigs, cows,.. The last days used to end with cleaning backstage, so I was quiet happy to stay there till end today, so we could also have a short look at the baby-jaguars (which don't really look like baybies any more).
So that was enough for this week and I wonder what we'll do next week.

Here you can see a mantled guereza how he was staring at me during work yesterday

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Denmark 17.06.2015
Sophie, David and me arrived Aarhus on Sunday at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was pretty good, only it was a little bit windy and stormy.

I have a really nice flat in Barbrand next to two lakes and a great view. The house is 4,5 km far away from Aarhus centre and I have to drive only 2 minutes to the next supermarket. My flatmates, two woman, are very cool and friendly but not very often at home.

Every day at 7 o’clock I start to work at greenhouse Graff in Sabro and stop at 3:15 pm. The work really interesting and they try to show me everything in the 24 000 square meter big greenhouse.

On Monday I cleaned out the yellow and bad leaves in the cuttings propagation (Poinsettia & Hibiscus), and sprayed it against brownish-grey mildew (Botrytis) with calcium( 0.05%). In the next 3 weeks I will check it two times per week alone.

On Thursday it was also very interesting at work. I filled up 13er pods and then I was sticking Hibiscus cuttings in this. After that I was sticking poinsettia cuttings into quick pods. Before, we watered the pods, because the earth was very dry. Then I was prune 9 weeks old Hibiscus ( 13er pod) and a machine shifted the pods to the right distance.

Today I checked the cutting propagation again. Then I brought out some different kinds of useful plants in a experiment house. ( For example: Amblyseius cucumeris against Thrips)

So I am really curious to the next 2 weeks.

PS: That`s my boss and me at the picture

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