Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016
A usual day im Aalborg

3am: I wake up. My room mate is snoring so loud that i'm not able to hear my own voice anymore. I hope the neighbours would call the police to save my sleep.
5:30: After a dream full of Sand, Wind and Akvavit my Alarm is ringing. I decide to stay for the next 10 minutes in bed.
5:40: Two aggressive Alarms at the same time start ringing painful loud.
5:50: I have brushed my teeth and my room mate is still ignoring his two Alarms.
6:00: Most of us (except of my room mate) are in the eating room. We are opening the fridges and get our breakfast/lunch boxes. We look full of expectations at the boxes with the lettering "Tech College". Which surprise would it be today?
It's almost empty! The kitchen women explained to us that some mysterious guys stole our food yesterday night. Some of us will stay hungry today...
6:50 Sebastian and I just arrived at buus&co, the company we work at. Everyone takes a coffee and sits down. It's Kims Birthday! He brought a nice cake with candy on it. We have got german sparkling wine and Peanuts as a present for him.
7:00: The workers Start preparing their cars to get to the building sites, except of the mechanician. He waits with a cup of coffee and a cigarette that a car or a machine will break and his help will be needed.
9:00: After working for 2 hours it's time for an half an hour break.
9:30: We continue working. Our company Buus&Co belongs to a very famous man called Inger who owns half of Aalborg.
12:00: It's Lunch time for half an hour. The breaks are absolutely obligatory.
15:00: I start putting the tools in the car when sunddendly an old woman starts talking in danish to me. She looks really angry. I just say "Jeg taler ikke dansk!" (I don't speak danish) and carry on working. She starts laughing at me and goes her way.
15:30: All the workers have been waiting for this exact time and leave the company. Vis ses! (Auf wiedersehen)
16:00 My room mate slept for 3 hours over his learning material after he had come back from work. His company is really work-shy and lazy. The workers employed by the cities out of germany would feel like at home there.
17:55: 5 over over-punctual good looking German gardeners wait in front of the eating room to get in.
18:00 What a surprise? It's Pork day again!
20:00 It's time for a round binokel. Sometimes we get interrupted by questions about entrance fees, bad looking sunburns, or milk on the dinner table, but no problem for the 5 good looking gardeners, we have the right answers!
22:00 After heavy discussions about ladders, driving money, irregular english verbs, one night stands with danish guys, and the last way to oknygaard (for those who know.....: it's time to say good night.

I want to say thank you to Baumschule Schimmele that it was possible to send me to Denmark to spy the danish working methods.
I also want to thank Buus&Co for being so kind to let 2 germans work at your amazing company!
It was also nice that Finn (a danish Teacher) visited us in our companies to look if we are working fast enough.
Special thanks go to Eva Baumgartner our german Teacher, who helped us with the organisational matters!
I will miss the amazing working times and the other four good looking gardeners, it was a pleasure to meet you, we had a great time together! The nice view on the Neckar in Heilbronn is unfortunately not the same as the view over the Fjord in Aalborg.
Anyway i'm looking forward to see the people who are important to me again!
Anytime I hope I will have the time to return to Aalborg and visit Buus&Co!

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