Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016
Tuesday, 10 th May
kastanienblatt, 00:34h
This morning I had to wake up very early because my colleague Andreas picked me up at 6 am. He always starts one hour earlier than normal so he has more time in the afternoon. At first we drove to the other side of Aalborg to a bank. There we had to pick up garbage with a long stick where you can grab something. In the mean time my colleague cut the grass with a brush cutter. After that I went over the pathway with a leaf blower so everything gets clean. Our next building sites were train stations. The first one was in Hobro and the second one was in Skørping. There we had to collect garbage also under the hedge. We weeded weed out and put mineral fertilizer on the roses. My colleague burned weed with a flame thrower. He just had to go over it fast so the cells in the plant brake and water gets out so the plant dies from inside out. We couldn´t use herbicides like Roundup to get rid of the weed because it was a government building. Our last building side was on a company area and there we used Roundup for weed on pathways and around the building. We also had go around trees and lamps so it is easier for the grass man to cut it. For our health we had to wear long pants, plastic gloves, buts and a gas mask.
In the afternoon I drove with my car to a the lake Store Økssø and walked around it. I also swum in the lake. It was very nice. I found a great tree to climb and to sit in it. I drove back to the Sportshøjskole. It took me around half an hour. After that I went to dinner and out with my camera for a walk to get some good pictures near the water.
In the afternoon I drove with my car to a the lake Store Økssø and walked around it. I also swum in the lake. It was very nice. I found a great tree to climb and to sit in it. I drove back to the Sportshøjskole. It took me around half an hour. After that I went to dinner and out with my camera for a walk to get some good pictures near the water.
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