Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015
levinrico, 19:33h
Now it´s time to say thanks to all the people who submitted the exchange with denmark.
At first there are our teachers in Germany who have organised the trip and the
Second thanks goes to Annette and Finn who have showed us denmark and helped us
if there was a problem...
And last I would like to say thanks to OKNygaard and especially to Martin who has picked
me up every morning at the Anneberghus and has brought me back in the afternoon.
It is an honour to be part of this exchange and to work at OKNygaard with these
funny guys...
It was a very nice time in denmark and I have learned how they build their ways
in an other country. Furthermore it was a good experience to work under working
Darüber hinaus möchte ich mich noch bei meinem Betrieb in Deutschland, Firma Sievers,
Garten- und Landschaftsbau bedanken, der mich für die Zeit sofort freigestellt hat.
At first there are our teachers in Germany who have organised the trip and the
Second thanks goes to Annette and Finn who have showed us denmark and helped us
if there was a problem...
And last I would like to say thanks to OKNygaard and especially to Martin who has picked
me up every morning at the Anneberghus and has brought me back in the afternoon.
It is an honour to be part of this exchange and to work at OKNygaard with these
funny guys...
It was a very nice time in denmark and I have learned how they build their ways
in an other country. Furthermore it was a good experience to work under working
Darüber hinaus möchte ich mich noch bei meinem Betrieb in Deutschland, Firma Sievers,
Garten- und Landschaftsbau bedanken, der mich für die Zeit sofort freigestellt hat.
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