Montag, 3. September 2018
First day working at OKNygaard
After a long trip with one stop in Hamburg, we arrived in Aalborg yesterday.
It`s our first time in Denmark, so everything is new and exciting.
Soon after we arrived, we met Finn, he showed us around at Sportshøjskole and gave us the important details about our stay here in Aalborg.
In the evening we walked around in the city and visited the harbour.
After a long day we finally got to bed and slept like a log. ...

... Early with the sunrise our first workday began.
Isabelle and I are working together at OKNygaard and arrived there at 7 o`clock and we enjoyed a warm welcome.
We were assigned to the maintenance team and planted many Symphoricarpus x chenaultii `Hancock`(It`s a plant we definitely know!) in Frederikshavn in front of an apartment complex.

It was really interesting to see the differences between planting in Germany and Denmark. There are not many but some things are slightly different.
It was a great first day and we had a lot of fun.

We are looking forward to the next days and hope we will experience many difference things.

Good night! Godnat! And sleep well. :)

P.S.: It doesn`t matter where you are, you will always meet a "Schwabe".
We had a nice encounter with a man who lived in Ludwigsburg many years ago and he still knows how to speak "schwäbisch".

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