Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016
Buus & Co.
When I decided to choose Buus as my host company, I had no idea how the company or the colleagues would be.
Now that our stay here is nearly over I have to say it was the best decision I could make.
My team mate Jakob and I were lovingly received when we came to work on our first day. We were affectionately called the „Tysker“ (Germans).

Most of the time I was with Nikolaj on tour and we finished one project after an other. Working wit him was very awesome and funny. Although both of us could not speak perfectly english we understood each other. If he did not know a word in english, he tried it in danish and often it was similar to the german word.

Last week I had to drive one hour up to Frederikshavn with Sharon. She is green, that means she is working with plants and removing weeds. She doesn´t like the highway so I drove. When we arrived there we started to lay „rullegras“ (roll lawn). We did this the whole day, I think nearly 300 square meters. After the long ride home I was really tired and glad for the shower, a good dinner and my bed.

This week we started with pulling out some old stones on a driveway near Aalborg. After that was finished Nikolaj dug out the old sand and the soil with the mini excavator. Most of the time I had to drive the dirt into a container with the wheel loader. It was a big area that we were preparing so it took 2 days. Thereafter we put some kind of gravel in, for stabilization.
Unfortunately our time is over, so I will not see the finish result…:(
My good friend the wheel loader GIANT <3

During our stay in Denmark we lived at the Aalborg Sportshøjskole. We got breakfast there, lunch and dinner as well. Most of the time we were very happy with the food, even if there was a lot of pig on the menu.

All in all the time in denmark was a very useful and enriching experience. I really enjoyed it being here!

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