Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015
Today I am writing about my work experiences during the last days in Denmark.

Today was my last day at Hede Danmark. So I can give you a short summary about my activities at this company. Frederikshavn
On the first working day I was very shocked that we have to pick up rubbish in the center of the city.
The other days of the week my main task was weeding beds and roadsides.
Today we were at Frederikshavn and we worked near the harbor so the view while working was really fine.
Finally our colleague bought some special Danish cake and all of us had a short teatime.

Probably it is hard to compare German with Danish gardening because it is almost the same. They also use hedge clippers to trim the hedges and they also use Round Up to complain against weed.
One difference is the sandy soil. For this they have special hoe that I have never seen in Germany before. You shrub over the ground like sweeping the floor. And then you just have to collect the weed.

Tomorrow is my first day at OKNygaard. I am looking forward to learn more about Danish landscape gardening.

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